Antal, A., Ganho-Ávila, A., Assecondi, S., Barbour, T., Bjekić, J., Blumberger, D. M., Bolognini, N., Brunelin, J., Chanes, L., Dale, M., Dubbioso, R., D’Urso, G., Filipcic, I., Filipović, S. R., Hirnstein, M., Konings, F., Langguth, B., Leocani, L., Memarian Sorkhabi, M., … Baeken, C. (2024). The consequences of the new European reclassification of non-invasive brain stimulation devices and the medical device regulations pose an existential threat to research and treatment: An invited opinion paper. Clinical Neurophysiology.
Robles M, Ramos-Grille I, Hervás A, Duran-Tauleira E, Galiano-Landeira J, Wormwood J, Falter-Wagner CM, & Chanes L (2024). Reduced stereotypicality and spared use of facial expression predictions for social evaluation in autism. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 24(2), 100440.
Draganov M*, Galiano-Landeira J*, Doruk D, Ramírez JE, Robles M, Chanes L (2023). *Equally contributing. Noninvasive modulation of predictive coding in humans: casual evidence for frequency-specific temporal dynamics. Cerebral Cortex, Volume 33, Issue 13, 1 July 2023, Pages 8421–8430,
Baeken C, Arns M, Brunelin J, Chanes L, Filipcic I, Ganho-Ávila A, Hirnstein M, Rachid F, Sack AT, O'shea J, D'urso G, Antal A (2023). European Reclassification of Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation as Class III Medical Devices: A Call to Action. Brain Stimulation, March.
Ramos-Grille I*, Weyant J*, Wormwood J, Robles M, Vallès V, Camprodon JA, Chanes L (2022). *Equally contributing. Predictive processing in depression: increased prediction error following negative valence contexts and influence of recent mood-congruent yet irrelevant experiences. Journal of Affective Disorders 311, 8–16.
Ballespí S, Vives J, Sharp C, Chanes L, Barrantes-Vidal N (2021). Self and other mentalizing polarities and dimensions of mental health: Association with types of symptoms, functioning and well-being. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:566254.
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Wang YC, Bianciardi M, Chanes L, Satpute AB (2020). Ultra high field fMRI of the human superior colliculI activity during affective visual processing. Scientific Reports 10(1), 1-7.
Zhang J, Scholtens LH, Wei Y, van den Heuvel MP, Chanes L*, Barrett LF* (2020). *Equally contributing. Topography impacts topology: anatomically central areas exhibit a "high-level connector" profile in the human cortex. Cerebral Cortex 30(3), 1357-1365.
Chanes L, Wormwood JB, Betz N, Barrett LF (2018). Facial expression predictions as drivers of social perception. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 114(3), 380-396.
Doruk D, Chanes L, Malavera A, Merabet LB, Valero-Cabré A, Fregni F (2018). Cross-modal cueing effects of visuospatial attention on conscious somatosensory perception. Heliyon 4(4), e00595.
Kleckner IR, Zhang J, Touroutoglou A, Chanes L, Xia C, Simmons WK, Quigley KS, Dickerson BC, Barrett LF (2017). Evidence for a large-scale brain system supporting allostasis and interoception in humans. Nature human behaviour 1(5), 0069.
Chanes L, Barrett LF (2016). Redefining the role of limbic areas in cortical processing. Trends in cognitive sciences 20(2), 96-106. :
Chanes L, Quentin R, Vernet M, Valero-Cabré A (2015). Arrhythmic activity in the left frontal eye field facilitates conscious visual perception in humans. Cortex 71, 240-247.
Chanes L, Doruk D, Leite J, Carvalho S, Malavera A, Jacobs D, Chodosh J, Melki S, Valero-Cabré A, Merabet LB, Fregni F (2015). Assessing potential neurophysiological signatures of chronic corneal pain and its modulation through non-invasive brain stimulation: A commentary. Principles and Practice of Clinical Research 1(2).
Quentin R, Elkin Frankston S, Vernet M, Toba MN, Bartolomeo P, Chanes L, Valero-Cabré A, (2015). Visual contrast sensitivity improvement by right frontal high-beta activity is mediated by contrast gain mechanisms and influenced by fronto-parietal white matter microstructure. . Cerebral Cortex 26(6), 2381-2390.
Vernet M, Quentin R, Chanes L, Mitsumasu A, Valero-Cabré A (2014). Frontal eye field, where art thou? Anatomy, function, and non-invasive manipulation of frontal regions involved in eye movements and associated cognitive operations. Frontiers in integrative neuroscience 8, 66.
Quentin R, Chanes L, Vernet M, Valero-Cabré A (2014). Fronto-parietal anatomical connections influence the modulation of conscious visual perception by high-beta frontal oscillatory activity. Cerebral cortex 25(8), 2095-2101.
Quentin R, Chanes L, Migliaccio R, Valabrègue R, Valero-Cabré A (2013). Fronto-tectal white matter connectivity mediates facilitatory effects of non-invasive neurostimulation on visual detection. Neuroimage 82, 344-354.
Chanes L, R Quentin R, Tallon-Baudry C, Valero-Cabré A (2013). Causal frequency-specific contributions of frontal spatiotemporal patterns induced by non-invasive neurostimulation to human visual performance. Journal of Neuroscience 33(11), 5000-5005.
Chanes L, Chica AB, Quentin R, Valero-Cabré A (2012). Manipulation of pre-target activity on the right frontal eye field enhances conscious visual perception in humans. PloS ONE 7(5), e36232.
Chica AB, Lasaponara S, Chanes L, Valero-Cabré A, Doricchi F, Lupiáñez J, Bartolomeo P (2011). Spatial attention and conscious perception: the role of endogenous and exogenous orienting. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 73(4), 1065-1081.
Chanes L, Barrett LF (2020). The predictive brain, conscious experience and brain-related conditions (Book Title: The Philosophy and Science of Predictive Processing). Bloomsbury
Maiche A, Pires A, Gonzalez-Perilli F, Chanes L, Vásquez A (2018). Capítulo 16. ¿Cómo percibimos el mundo? (Book Title: Fundamentos de Psicobiología). Panamericana